Monday, April 19, 2010


It's a Ning Thing

With the explosion of social media popularity among kids and adults today, it makes sense to harness this love affair for educational purposes. It doesn’t take long, when teaching 8th graders, to realize that social connections are of prime importance. If these connections can be welcomed into the classroom vs. expelled, educators may find success among students who otherwise show little interest. This would be a huge win for all involved. Teachers love nothing better than to have students engaged in what is being taught. Not only this, but an engaged student is much more likely to actually learn something in the classroom and - maybe, just maybe - gain an interest that will help motivate them in the years ahead.

“How might this look in the classroom?” you ask. Great question! One way educators are tapping the social media well is through a Web2.0 application called “Ning”. Similar in many ways to Facebook, the Ning social media platform allows users to become members in order to participate in the member dialogue. This digital dialogue takes shape in many ways. Once a group has been set up, members can chat, blog, comment on posts, create discussions, send messages, share photos, and even videos. Privacy settings can also be initiated in order to keep group interaction limited to a targeted audience. Also, there are no charges involved in order to become a member or create a group. With these features, and even more that I didn’t mention, Ning is proving to be a very useful tool on the 21st century educator’s laptop.


  1. We have recently started using NIng as a discussion platform at our company. We are attempting to use it stimulate discussions involving practical learning for our apprentices. At first it started off slow, but seems to picking up some steam. Great choice as a blog post.

  2. This sounds really interesting I am going to look into using this in my classroom. I like it because it is similar to tools we are already using but to me sand some others it is new. New technology excite me and my students as well.

  3. Great post! Did you hear that ning is going to start charging $20 a month!? Fortunately, there are many alternatives, such as:

    Let me know if any of you try any of these out!
